Those who go further will come back with more

PlanetQ. The concept planet

PlanetQ. Experienced professionals, passionate about communication. A hard-working and driven team of experts with proven talents in marketing, creation, sales, market research and financials. Talents who are not afraid to think differently. Because we know from experience that that’s how communication concepts provide added value.

PlanetQ believes in the power of limits

PlanetQ works with clients who appreciate added value. When you make a deliberate choice to impose qualitative limitations, you multiply the chance of success. And that’s true whether you’re chasing proven results in the short term, or working to realise long-term added value.

PlanetQ: A network of specialists at your disposal

The flawless execution of your concept is a job for specialists. Specialists in fields like creation, DM, sales promotion, design, DTP and online. And then there are professionals with in-depth experience in particular areas. People who know all about things like the growing senior market, or B2B, or the benefits – and pitfalls – of using social media. We’ve got the contacts to find the right people to meet your needs.

PlanetQ layers experience on experience

The PlanetQ team have a total of over 100 years of experience in concept development. For us, every day brings a new opportunity to develop our experience even further. Both nationally and internationally. From multinationals to local businesses. For retailers, government authorities, auto dealerships, fast food outlets, banks and insurers. And for you.

PlanetQ: A straightforward process

For established businesses and brands, PlanetQ works with a fixed methodology. For startups, PlanetQ has a fixed methodology that focuses on supporting the innovation process.


PlanetQ starts by analysing the objectives. Are they realistic? Or could they benefit from a few adjustments?


Is PlanetQ a good fit for the project and the client? And are the objectives realistic?


Once the project has been greenlit, the project proposal, including the budget and schedule, will be ready within a week.

We develop a clear, solid concept for every client. No half-baked ideas or meaningless advertising jargon. Just straightforward, well-constructed, innovative concepts. Concepts that work. And not just for today, but for tomorrow as well.

Schoolstraat 53 (kantoor 1.306)
3742 CD Baarn